Are you going to head to an auto title loan lender for extra cash? Is the cash a necessity or for something extra? The title loan lender is not going to stop and ask those kinds of questions, it is not a loan requirement. Banks and credit unions will want this information, as their process is much different.
What you will use the money for or why you need it so urgently are not questions which apply to an auto title lender. There are no intrusive questions which apply to the cause of the financial emergency. What a title lender wants to know is based around the payoff. Because these lenders work with what are normally “riskier” applicants, the payoff is the focus for the application.
*What condition is the car in? Since the title loan is secured with the title to your vehicle, the value of the vehicle is extremely important and an evaluation will be done by lender provided appraiser. The auto title loan lender will need your vehicle on the premises in order to process the application.
*Do you own the title clear out? Bring the title with you. Your title will not work if it belongs to another party or if there is a lien placed on it. The title lender needs to protect their interest since this is their only way to collect if the loan goes into default.
*Do you have your driver’s license with you? There are many factors which relate to this qualification. The photo ID lets the lender know who they are working with and that it matches the owner listed on the title.
*Show proof of employment. Even though the loan is secured with the pink slip, a lender will ultimately prefer payback in the form of money. This information gives the lender that you have the means to pay off the title loan.
*Bring in a current utility bill to prove your residence. Often times a license will not have the most current address. Since utility bills are paid each month, you will need to provide the most recent one.
A bank’s application involves pages of documentation and questions to answer. The approval process may takes weeks and include an interview with the loan officer to find out more information. An auto title lender will not waste your time; as long as you bring in all the qualification information, once your car is assessed, you will know right away whether or not your application has been approved. Imagine driving away with the money in your pocket in what could be less than an hour! Fast money is simple when you use an auto title loan.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7458154